I've just finished reading the Tomcat Security chapter of O'Reilly's
Tomcat, The Definitive Guide that covers Tomcat 4 and have been left
with many questions.

First, a little background: I've setup a new web server on FC8 x86_64
running Sun Java 1.6.0_05 and tomcat 5.5.26.  I'm very familiar with
Tomcat on Windows (developed and deployed there for many years), and am
now moving to Linux for various reasons.  I have some experience on
Linux and am looking to improve.  The server is in my company's data
center and only ports 80 and 443 are visible to the outside.  The local
Linux guru is out this week and next, so I thought I'd at least start.

Because this will be a web server, Tomcat will need to listen on ports
80 and 443.  In order to do so, as I understand it, Tomcat needs to be
run as root - something with which I'm not very comfortable.  So the
main question is:

How do I get Tomcat to listen on 80 and 443 without running as root?  

I thought of running Tomcat in a chroot jail, but that won't completely
work, as it still needs to run as root for listening on these privileged
ports.  I've also thought about setting up port forwarding from 80 and
443 to, say, 8180 and 8543.  

I guess I'm looking for some advice/pointers/references for the "best"
way to secure tomcat.  

Any suggestions?

Thanks, in advance.


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