

|| This code is located on a managed bean. The method is invoked when a
|| h:commandButton is pressed. That's why I return a String.
|Ugh. Do you mean EJB? <sigh>

Yes, it's an EJB managed by the JSF config faces-config.xml . Should I use a
different servlet to get the result wanted?
Is this code right, i mean, should it show the download dialog (or even  the
PDF screen).
The navigator is firefox, but neither adobe acrobat nor plug-ins. Just a
linux reader.

|| Sorry for the English.
|Your English is just fine. I hope we're not using too many phrases that
|don't translate very well.

No problems with translations here. Just fine actually.

2008/4/3, Christopher Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Guilherme,
> Guilherme Orioli wrote:
> | Everyone recommended me to generate it and send it as a response.
> | If that's the only option, I can accept that. If there's a way to
> refresh
> | the content under tomcat server folder, it would be better.
> There's no way that I know, short of reloading the entire webapp (which
> is probably no what you want to do).
> Another option would be to generate the content into a directory outside
> your webapp (which is a good idea, anyway, since reloading the webapp
> from a WAR would probably delete your generated content) and serve the
> files yourself using a simple servlet that serves files out of a
> particular directory.
> There is full code for such a servlet that was posted (by me!) to the
> list within the last 7 days or so with the subject "displaying an image
> from outside the webapps directory". Check it out.
> | The problem with the recommended option is: It doesn't send the
> content to be
> | downloaded.
> It should be. You must have something else going on that is not working.
> | The system.out was just a test to see if the file was generated
> correctly.
> | It seems to be, since it prints tons of unknown chars. ^^
> Well, what did you expect? ;)
> | What this code I sent previously tries to do is:
> | 1) Generate the pdf report (working fine)
> | 2) Create a ByteArrayOutputStream with it (working fine)
> | 3) Show it to be downloaded by the user (not working)
> Which browser? Displaying in the browser window, or forcing a download?
> It could even be a browser issue, especially if you are using Adobe's
> PDF plug-in and Mozilla Firefox -- they don't play well together for
> some reason.
> | This code is located on a managed bean. The method is invoked when a
> | h:commandButton is pressed. That's why I return a String.
> Ugh. Do you mean EJB? <sigh>
> | Hope you guys can help me now.
> I'm sure we can, but it might take some time. Be patient with us ;)
> | Sorry for the English.
> Your English is just fine. I hope we're not using too many phrases that
> don't translate very well.
> - -chris
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (MingW32)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iEYEARECAAYFAkf1D3sACgkQ9CaO5/Lv0PA4MwCeKaF+Dz78BVY7tb10u492uxeK
> =iSqR
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