Can you expand a copy of your webapp war file and confirm a there is a web.xml file in it? In my experience, the errors generated out of tomcat are usually right on the money, so we should confirm the generated war file really contains a web.xml at WEB-INF/web.xml.


supareno wrote:

David Smith a écrit :

That error is different from what you originally posted and implies your webapp is trying to modify the tomcat supplied JNDI name context. That context which houses tomcat container supplied stuff like database pools is read only. ... But that's a different post.

Back to the original error -- do you still get errors that it couldn't find web.xml?

always the same !
when i use lambda probe, i could see the context with the 'context descriptor' link but i cannot see the 'deployment descriptor'...

when i deploy with ant, log is:

4 avr. 2008 14:47:44 org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
INFO: Déploiement de l'archive myapp.war de l'application web (translation: en => Deploy myapp.war archive from web application) 4 avr. 2008 14:47:44 org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig applicationWebConfig INFO: Le fichier web.xml de l'application est absent, utilisation des paramêtres par défaut StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/myapp] (translation: en => the web.xml file is not present, using default parameters) 4 avr. 2008 14:47:44 org.apache.catalina.core.NamingContextListener lifecycleEvent GRAVE: La création du context de nommage (naming context) a échoué : javax.naming.NamingException: Le Contexte est en lecture seule (translation: en => failed on naming context creation: javax.naming.NamingException: the context is read only)


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