Hey there,

We have a web-app which receives hundreds of requests per second, many of the requests coming from 3rd party apps which we have no control over. Now, it seems like some of these apps are sending us request strings ending in && which results in a message like this in catalina.out:

WARNING: Parameters: Invalid chunk ignored.

We cannot contact the developers and have them remove the &&'s and our log is filling up with thousands of these messages every minute. I am aware that we can safely ignore this but it's a waste of time and space in our log files and I would like to disable logging this. I tracked down the class which does it and read up on tomcat logging conf and tried adding the following line to TOMCAT_HOME/conf/logging.properties:

org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Parameters = ERROR

With no luck. I even tried modifying the JDK's logging properties in JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/logging.properties to also contain that line. Again, no luck. We are running tomcat 6.0.16.

How do I do this?



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