
I have some utility classes in $tomcat/shared/lib directory, which are used
by several webapps. These need to be initialized before any of my webapps
are called by the client. One of these shared classes gets a reference to
its class loader, by calling Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().

I understand that in Tomcat, there are separate class loaders for
shared/libclasses and webapp
classes (and they have a parent-child relation). Now, if this shared class
is initialized from any of my webapps (say, using contextInitialized()), the
Thread.getContextClassLoader() method returns the webapp class loader,
instead of the shared/lib class loader. How do I get the correct class

As far as I understand, one way to achieve this would be if Tomcat provides
a hook that can be invoked while it starts up (something similar to
Runtime.addShutdownHook()).  Basically, I am looking for a way to force the
shared/lib class loader to load the classes before any of the my webapps are


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