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I'm having a weird problem in production that I completely understand
but I'm not sure if there's a good way to fix it without re-locating one
of my applications.

I have 3 webapps running in separate VMs. One of them is running as ROOT
(context path '/'), and both of the others are running with a context
path of '/foo'. I am fronting the applications with Apache httpd which
determines which URLs go to the main /foo application and which go to an
instance of Apache Cocoon also running under /foo.

When users hit the Cocoon instance, we use their requested session id
(request param or cookie) to make a loopback call to the main /foo
application to get some XML for processing. This has the effect of
sharing a login across two applications because Cocoon masquerades as
the real user by using the session id from the original request to make
the loopback request. Cocoon never allocates sessions for any reason.

Now, here's the problem: the ROOT webapp and the /foo webapp both create
sessions and set cookies on the client. The ROOT webapp creates a cookie
path='/' while the /foo webapp creates a cookie with path='/foo'. This
means that, for users who are using both applications at once, all
requests to '/foo' have TWO values sent for the JSESSIONID cookie. It
appears that Tomcat will try both cookie ids and use the one that
actually works (because this dual-cookie thing doesn't seem to confuse
Tomcat). The problem is when a similar request goes to Cocoon (also
running on Tomcat).

Since the Cocoon instance does not use sessions, /both/ JSESSIONID
cookies are equally invalid, so Tomcat doesn't know which one to choose
when returning a value from HttpServletRequest.getRequestedSessionId. In
certain cases, it returns the "wrong" one (the one from path='/') and
the result is that Cocoon forwards the wrong session id to the real
application, and I get a "not logged in" error. :(

The obvious solution is not to deploy the ROOT application as ROOT, but
instead under some other prefix that does not confuse clients (and my
apps) in this way. I'm wondering if anyone has any other brilliant ideas.


- -chris
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