thanks. are there other app servers, other than tomcat, which may have
similar functionality?


On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 4:41 AM, Peter Crowther
> > From: Nilesh Bansal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > I have a question regarding context reloading in tomcat. Our app
>  > consists of two type of Java class files (1) core modules consisting
>  > of many singletons which are initialized once by reading large files
>  > from filesystem at the start of application (2) helper classes mostly
>  > for formatting, e.g., a servlet that serves a PNG graph, formatting of
>  > time in different formats, and classic JSP tags extending TagSupport.
>  >
>  > Tomcat allows users to set "reloadable=true", but that reloads the
>  > whole context (even if a single class has changed). This means, our
>  > application has to initialize itself all over again which is time
>  > consuming (it reads lot of stuff from files in memory). Is there a way
>  > to set partial reload?? Which means, if one of the helper classes has
>  > changed (and core classes are intact), just replace that changed code
>  > in the context.
>  >
>  > Any help on this issue will be of great use to us.
>  There's a hack, but it's pretty gross.  If this is the only webapp on the 
> server, you might be able to put the jars for the core classes in common/lib. 
>  They would be initialised once, and context reloads wouldn't reinitialise 
> them.  However, you'd then need to restart Tomcat to force a reload of the 
> core classes - this is clearly not a solution that's appropriate for a Tomcat 
> with several webapps on it!
>  A second approach would be to have two webapps - one with your core and one 
> with your helper classes.  Change the communication between the two to use 
> some appropriate mechanism that works between webapps.  You could then reload 
> one webapp independently of the other.
>  I'm not aware of any facility for a partial reload other than this.
>                 - Peter
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Nilesh Bansal

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