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Indudhar Devanath wrote:
| I tried looking for one place where I could find information on the best
| practices for configuring Tomcat in production.  I couldn't find it.
| Tomcat FAQ doesn't list that either.  Is there any place where I can
| find more information on that.

Most of the "production" options for Tomcat are relatively

| What I would like even better is, just put your thoughts on what you
| think should be considered.  JVM options such as -Xmx and -Xms is well
| known.  Is there any other JVM options that are worth considering?

I would enable "-server" if your machine does not choose the "server"
JVM automatically upon startup. Obviously, setting memory sizes is
something you should consider. I would recommend setting the min and max
to the same size, so the JVM does not need to dynamically grow the heap
during its lifetime.

| I am seeking both tomcat specific configuration settings and also JVM
| settings.

If you don't trust the applications being deployed on your server, or
you want an added level of security, you should run Tomcat with a
security manager enabled.

See http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/security-manager-howto.html
for details. Enabling a security manager will take some time, because
you have to make sure that anything your webapp needs to be able to
access has been enabled through the security manager configuration. You
can't just turn it on and expect everything to work properly. Make sure
you test your entire application before deploying with a security
manager enabled.

Tomcat itself does not have very many options in general, so there's not
a lot of tweaking necessary. Most of the suggestions that I would give
are pretty standard for production deployments: turn off any options and
services that you do not absolutely need (in server.xml, for instance).
Disable any default webapps that are configured (even Tomcat's ROOT webapp).

Then, there's always http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Securing_tomcat

Hope that helps,
- -chris
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