Stephanie Wullbieter schrieb:
Please have a look at this reference worker timeouts:


50 seconds is pretty long for a connect and a prepost timeout.
As you say, your network is unstable. If you want mod_jk to wait for such a long time to finally succeed, 50 seconds will be OK, but this will mean, that under high load a lot of requests might wait and block httpd ressources. If you prefer mod_jk to throw and error and clear the system whenever a long network latency shows up, reduce those two timeouts to something like 10 seconds.


This is pretty short. The timeout determines, how long we keep an idle backend connection open for reuse. Usually it is more in the range of 300 seconds. You should also adjust connectionTimeout on the Tomcat AJP connector to the same value multiplied by 1000 (it is in milliseconds on the Tomcat side).

Some more info on the timepouts is contained in

We switch from mod_jk 1.2.5 to 1.2.23

If you are doing the upgrade now (which is good), I would suggest to go directly to 1.2.26.

And with 1.2.5 we had a socket_timeout (now named connection_pool_timeout) of 
30s and the other timouts are new. So first I want to set high timeouts because 
our network is unstable with sometimes big latency (e.g. 20s) because the 
firewall is sometimes overloaded.

No, there still is a socket_timeout. It is *not* the same as the connection_pool_timeout.

Is this ok ?

See above :)



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