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Lyallex wrote:
| I just feel I need to control access to resources in some way,
| probably better to control access via the service rather that via the
| service delivery mechanism.

When you say resources, do you mean business resources (like database
connections, etc.)? Generally, I can see this kind of thing in two ways:

1. Your code contains all the logic it needs, and the code is
~   both portable and copyable. In this case, just run the same code
~   on multiple machines (like a cluster). There's no difference
~   between any two machines in the cluster, and they do not
~   communicate directly with each other (except for maybe sharing
~   HttpSession data).

2. You need to segregate some portion of your business logic from
~   the rest of the application and/or provide some constrained access
~   (like only one person reading/writing a resource at a given time,
~   and database transactions won't cut it). In this case, you need
~   to write yourself a service, and deploy it separately from
~   all of the instances of your application. This basically
~   factors-out all of the special complexity of that one part of
~   your code, and the rest of the application can then be set up as
~   per #1 above.

| I've never use multiple Tomcat instances
| to deliver a single application before, maybe this question is better
| posted in comp.lang.java.

Heh... they'll probably send you over here. Multiple Tomcat instances is
no big deal. You just have to decide how you want them work together (or
not). If you have completely stateless transactions (no sessions), then
you can get away with random load balancing. If you need sessions, you
can either use distributed sessions in a cluster (slight performance
hit, but better reliability), or you can have your load balancer
associate a particular session with a particular "real" machine in your
server farm (even if you only have a 2-machine "farm"). This is faster
and less complicated, but if one machine goes down, that session is lost.

I'd look into clustering a bit more and just play with it to see which
strategy will meet your needs.

Hope that helps,
- -chris
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