I'm sending this email because I've spent the last day and a half
putting together the bread crumbs necessary to get a signed key from
Verisign to work with Tomcat.  I never found one place that has all the
necessary information regarding how to deal with Verisign's use of
intermediate keys.  The funny thing is all this stuff is straightforward
(once known).  So here are the steps in one place - in the hopes that it
might help someone in the future.

Step 1:
Our server was not yet using SSL, so we needed to generate a new key and

keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg rsa -keypass secret -storepass
secret -keystore keystore.key

This generates a new keystore.  Be sure to use "-keyalg rsa" as the
default algorithm is dsa, and Verisign will not accept dsa.  Also, it's
important to remember the alias, "tomcat" in this case.  When we receive
the signed certificate we'll need to apply it to that alias.  That's how
clients will know that our private key has been "signed".  Be sure to
respond to all the prompts correctly, using the proper FQDN of the
server.  This stuff is well documented - all over the place - so no
point in duplicating it here.

Step 2:
Next we need to generate a certificate signing request.

keytool -certreq -alias tomcat -file keystore.csr -keypass secret
-storepass secret -keystore keystore.key

Be sure to use "tomcat" as the alias again so that the correct private
key is referenced.  Send the file "keystore.csr" to Verisign for
signature.  Again, this part is well documented.

The certificate you get back from Verisign is signed using an
intermediate key that needs to be included in your keystore in order to
properly sign your key.  So far as I can tell, that key is not a part of
anything natively included with Java's "cacerts".
 3a) The intermediate key is available at
 3b) Copy the key from there to your clipboard
 3c) Open the text editor of your choice and paste the contents of that
key to a new document
 3d) Open the certificate Verisign sent you (in response to your
request) in the editor of your choice and copy it's contents
 3e) Paste that into the same document as the intermediate key - after
the intermediate key
 3f) Save that document as an all new certificate (I called mine

Step 4:
Sign your alias with the certificate you created yourself.

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file signed.cer -keypass
secret -storepass secret -keystore keystore.key

Note that once again we use the same alias.  We need to do this so that
the private key in that alias is "signed", as opposed to just having the
certificates a part of the contents.  Note also that I used the file
"signed.cer" that I created myself to sign the key, NOT the certificate
sent by Verisign.

As I say, I'm sending this in the hopes that it will help someone else
down the road.  :)

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