Hello Group,

I installed my tomcat 6.0 last week.  And first time I was able to see the
default page at <http://localhost:8080>, which sits at


all right on Firefox browser and not on IE.

But today I am not able to see the page on any of the browser.
During this period I did change the tomcat-users.xml file from

username=admin to username=<my user name> and back to username=admin.  And
the trouble started thereafter (I think).

I have two questions here.

1.  Why was I able to see the default page in Firefox and not in IE.
2.  Now what happened between yesterday and today so that I am not able to
see the default page on any browser.

I can see all my webapplications, which sit at
<http://localhost:8080/tutorial/snoop <http://localhost:8080/tutorial/snoop>>
on both browsers, the trouble is with only the default page.

Do I need to tweak some settings.
Thanks in advance.

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