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Bas Schulte wrote:
| I'd like to deploy my Spring-based webapp twice in the same Tomcat
| instance, one for production and one for development.

I agree with Chuck: you are asking for trouble with a production
configuration that includes development.

| Is there a way to set these properties in server.xml for both instance
| of my webapp? I plan on using 2 virtual hosts, something like blah.com
| and development.blah.com, each would get it's own set of system

System properties are, as the name might suggest, system-wide. So, you
can't set "foo" to "bar" for one webapp and "baz" for the other. You
have to choose.

This is one reason I eschew system properties for any application
configuration. We use ant to build our WAR files for deployment, and
find that ant's <filter> (string replacement) capabilities are a very
good way to configure for a particular environment.

For instance. Want a dev config? Easy:

$ ant -Drelease-type=dev war
(builds dev WAR)

How about a prod config? No problem:

$ and -Drelease-type=prod war

No muss, no fuss.

You maintain either different property values or entirely different
configuration files (which is what we have done) for each environment.
We have a prod/tomcat-server.xml and dev/tomcat-server.xml, each with
separate configuration (dev has only a single db connection in the pool,
for instance, while prod has many).

- -chris
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