
>  I am using a Comet-based servlet and I'm facing two problems:
>> - When I write the data to the response's outputstream and call the flush
>> method, the data is only send to the client when there is a minimum amount
>> of bytes written on the outputstream. Is it possible to change this
>> behavior
>> so that the data is send immediately?
> response.flushBuffer() ?

I'm calling response.flushBuffer(), but the data is not received immidiately
by the client, only when a certain amount of data is written. Is it possible
that there is any connection to the packet size or some buffer? I am using
the APR connector and tried to set the tcpNoDelay parameter to true, but it
did not work. Have you any other idea?

>  - When the last task ist finished, its result should be send back to the
>> client and the connection should be closed. Is it possible to terminate
>> the
>> connection on the server side? Or how can I trigger the Comet-End-Event?
> there is a fix in tomcat/trunk SVN to allow async CometEvent.close event
> waiting for the next 6.0.x release before I propose the backport

So the fix will be in the next 6.0.x release? Is there a release date?

Best regards,


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