Hello there,
I compiled the mod_jk 1.2.26 from the source for Red hat 5.1x64
The module works as intended except some strance gehaviour

I have in my httpd.conf
JkMount /app/*.jsp ajp13
JkMount /app/*.do ajp13

And this works OK
but my application have a URLs like

Which was not described im JkMount and rejected

I added
JkMount /app/resources/* ajp13
but still the same error

[Tue Jun 03 17:04:23.021 2008] [22353:2934367456] [debug] jk_map_to_storage::mod_jk.c (3211): no match for /app/resources/showPDFLetter found

can this be because of the version of mod_jk ?

Best regards,

Nikolay Diulgerov
Network Administrator
Telephone : +33 4 89 87 77 77
Fax :       +33 4 89 87 77 00
Web: http://www.codix-france.com

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