
  I need autheticate ONLY with client certificate (i.e., I don't want
to check any user's database) . I did that follow:

  1. I write a "X509Realm", with a method "authenticate" that
     only check the validity of each certificate in the
     certification's chain (don't check if the user exists in
     any database).
  2. Declare this new class in
     "org/apache/catalina/realm/mbeans-descriptors.xml" and
  3. Edit "server.xml" and configure the realm.
  4. Edit "web.xml" to set the auth-method to "CLIENT-CERT"
  5. Put "X509Realm.class" and "mbeans-descriptors.xml" in
     "server/classes", with the correct path.
  6. Restart Tomcat.

  Now, I can authenticate with X509 certificate, and get the
client certificate with
getAttribute("javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate"). But,
sometimes, this method returns null. Why?


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