Hi all:

        I've been strugling with this weird problem with no luck, so I 
finally decided to post it to the list hoping someone has any clue on how 
to go on. I have a beatiful webapp (well, a webapp) that has been working 
flawlessly with different Tomcat versions from 5.5.9 to 5.5.25. Exactly 
the same war file across vesions, no problem. But then Tomcat 5.5.26 was 
released and my webapp stopped working. Strange, uh?

        The funny point is that failure is coming from SAXParser 
complaining about null pointer on its argument. Of course the first thing 
was looking at my app, but I didn't find anything; after all, if there 
wasn't any null pointer till 5.5.25 and the app hasn't been changed, why 
should it appear now?

        I though about some dirty-work-dir issue, so I decided to clean 
all run, work and temp directories related with Tomcat. I redeployed the 
app. And still the same. I configured every log to DEBUG and checked, but 
still nothing enlightening.

        And then, to my confusion, I downgraded back to 5.5.25 and 
everything worked again. As a workaround I'm stuck with 5.5.25, but I 
wonder if I'll have to keep like this forever :-S.

        A snippet of the error message, just in case it rings a bell:


An error has been detected. Click here for more details.
Error parsing pattern finder file
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: InputStream cannot be null at
javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(SAXParser.java:172) at
com.transtools.tt.export.xml.HandledSaxParser.parse(SourceFile:128) at 

[goes on]


Thanks in advance,

Abraham Marín Pérez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Responsable de I+D 
Tfno.: 93.412.79.12 -- Fax: 93.410.92.90 

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