Christopher Schultz wrote:
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Liang Xiao Zhu wrote:
| I would like to know if there is some way which I can monitoring of the
| memory usage through of Tomcat. I mean, I have currently running a
| Tomcat 6 server, and through that I want to know not only the memory
| usage of JVM also the memory usage of the system.

I don't believe the JVM has access to this information directly. You'd
have to write your own native code to interrogate the operating system
for this information. I wouldn't be surprised if something like this
already exists somewhere.

Note that this would not be a Tomcat-specific library -- it would be
applicable in any Java program, not just a web application.

To offer a solution idea that would on the other hand be very specific and non-portable, but maybe usable if this is for one server and you do not find anything more elegant : It must be possible in a servlet to execute a system-level command, grab its output and filter it to get what you want to know. I could tell you how to do this under Apache and perl, but unfortunately I don't know under Tomcat and Java. But I am sure that someone on this list can give us a tip.

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