We've installed quite a few instances of Tomcat on clients sites, both on Windows and Linux, but we've never had a problem quite like this.

The system has been installed since the end of 2006, on Red Hat EL 3, Tomcat 5.5.20 and JVM 1.5_09, but they have only just noticed this problem (so it may have been there from the start or just started happening)

When they go into 'top' and sort it on memory usage, they get this;

 15:46:49  up 30 days,  4:30,  4 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.03, 0.01
713 processes: 712 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:  cpu    user    nice  system    irq  softirq  iowait    idle
           total    0.1%    0.0%    0.2%   0.0%     0.0%    0.0%   99.5%
           cpu00    0.5%    0.0%    0.1%   0.0%     0.0%    0.0%   99.2%
           cpu01    0.0%    0.0%    0.0%   0.0%     0.0%    0.0%  100.0%
           cpu02    0.0%    0.0%    0.1%   0.0%     0.0%    0.0%   99.8%
           cpu03    0.1%    0.0%    0.5%   0.0%     0.0%    0.1%   99.0%
Mem: 4095372k av, 4062760k used, 32612k free, 0k shrd, 62392k buff
                   2131520k actv,  971988k in_d,   81820k in_c
Swap: 4192880k av, 0k used, 4192880k free 1776472k cached

 6750 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:10   2 java
 6751 tomcat    15   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   7:04   2 java
 6752 tomcat    15   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   7:05   3 java
 6753 tomcat    15   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   7:04   1 java
 6754 tomcat    15   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   7:05   2 java
 6755 tomcat    15   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   2:39   0 java
 6756 tomcat    15   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:19   2 java
 6757 tomcat    15   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:32   2 java
 6758 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6759 tomcat    15   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   1 java
 6760 tomcat    15   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:52   3 java
 6761 tomcat    16   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   1:02   3 java
 6762 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6763 tomcat    15   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7  13:55   1 java
 6806 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   2 java
 6818 tomcat    16   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   1:04   0 java
 6819 tomcat    15   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7 120:59   1 java
 6838 tomcat    17   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   1:03   2 java
 6840 tomcat    15   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7 119:56   0 java
 6855 tomcat    15   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7  23:39   3 java
 6856 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6857 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6858 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6859 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6860 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6866 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6867 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6868 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6869 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6872 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6873 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6874 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6875 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6876 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6877 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6893 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6894 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6895 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6896 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6897 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java
 6898 tomcat    25   0  468M 468M 16424 S     0.0 11.7   0:00   0 java

Normally, I only expect to see 2,3,4 or 5 java processes associated with the Tomcat user, not all of the above!

Has anyone seen this before? It surely doesn't look normal... Does it point to the JVM, Tomcat or something else? Is it something to do with the fact that's running on a SMP system? I'm really stuck, which is why I'm wondering if anyone on the list can point me in the right direction for a solution.

Thanks in advance.


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