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Jesse Klaasse wrote:
| I have implemented the "all lowercase" filter solution, which does the job
| nicely. However, there is still one issue.. <jsp:forward>s don't go
| the filter chain, so when the forward page contains uppercase
characters, a
| file is created in the work dir with the uppercase character(s) in it.

They do go through the filter chain if you configure them properly.

Section 6.2.5 of the servlet specification states:

SRV.6.2.5 Filters and the RequestDispatcher

New since version 2.4 of the Java Servlet specification is the ability
to configure filters to be invoked under request dispatcher forward()
and include() calls. By using the new <dispatcher> element in the
deployment descriptor, the developer can indicate for a filter-mapping
whether he would like the filter to be applied to requests when:

1. The request comes directly from the client. This is indicated by a
<dispatcher> element with value REQUEST, or by the absence of any
<dispatcher> elements.

2. The request is being processed under a request dispatcher
representing the Web component matching the <url-pattern> or
<servlet-name> using a forward() call. This is indicated by a
<dispatcher> element with value FORWARD.

3. The request is being processed under a request dispatcher
representing the Web component matching the <url-pattern> or
<servlet-name> using an include() call. This is indicated by a
<dispatcher> element with value INCLUDE.

4. The request is being processed with the error page mechanism
specified in “Error Handling” on page 69 to an error resource matching
the <url-pattern>. This is indicated by a <dispatcher> element with the
value ERROR.

5. Or any combination of 1, 2, 3, or 4 above.

Note that <dispatcher> elements are children of the <filter-mapping>
element, and you can specify multiple dispatchers like this:

~  <filter-name>myFilter</filter-name>
~  <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
~  <dispatcher>REQUEST</dispatcher>
~  <dispatcher>INCLUDE</dispatcher>
~  <dispatcher>FORWARD</dispatcher>

Hope that helps,
- -chris
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