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mkweb wrote:
| Hello,
| I'm new to the forum. I have a strange problem with my tomcat
| I'm using tomcat5.5.26 and struts for my web projekt.
| I configured the project in a context file, like this :
| <Context path="" docBase="C:\webprojekt" debug="1" reloadable="true"
| crossContext="true" cookies="true">

Remove the path and docbase attributes, then try again and let us know
if you are still having problems.

Where does your context.xml file live?

| I set the attribute cookies to 'true' because I want to have session
| cookies.

cookies="true" is the default, but it doesn't hurt to specify it.

| My problem is now when I open the webapp with the url
| http://localhost everything is fine. The session cookie wil be
| created and the output of the script above is like :
| Cookies : JSESSIONID=05E932958950B69BE03874B8FCE26C3E

That doesn't sound like a problem.

| But when I open the webapp over the internet with an URL like
| www.myprojekt.com tomcat will not create an session cookie. Tomcat
adds the
| jsessionid to the URL's and teh output of the script above is :
| Cookies : No cookies

Are you operating over a proxy or firewall that strips cookies from
requests and responses? Try using a tool like LiveHTTPHeaders (for
Firefox) or a similar tool for whatever browser you are using to see
what the client requests and server responses look like.

| What is the problem ? Why can't tomcat create session cookie for
| www.myprojekt.com ?

Is your code ever actually creating a cookie? Or, are you expecting to
see the JSESSIONID cookie only? If so, are you sure you have a session?
You mentioned that your URL contains ;jsessionid=[the session id], so I
would guess that's the case. Is the session working and consistent? If
so, then the implication is that the cookie itself is being suppressed
somewhere -- probably /not/ in Tomcat's code.

- -chris
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