Hello Abhishek,

if you open a new window in a browser (except internet explorer with
setting start new window in new process = on) your new window belongs
to the same process as the old window, sharing all the states,
including session cookies. So both windows are tied to the same
If you want to have multiple sessions:
- use different browsers (firefox 3, firefx 2, netscape 9 (which is
firefox), flock, mozilla, camino, ie, safari)
- if you use internet explorer -> set the above setting to true
- define multiple virtual hosts in /etc/hosts localhost
myhost1 myhost2 myhost3, and use them in different windows.


P.S. on a side note, doing all that in a jsp is rather outdated, try
to use a decent web framework and avoid scriptlets.

On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 8:05 AM, abhishek reddy
> hi every one,
> i have a jsp page, once the user logged in iam creating a session in
> the jsp page.When the user logged out iam invalidating the session.
> when two users logged in, and if one user logged out, the other user
> session is also getting invalidated.I dont want this to happen i.e.
> evethough the first user logged out second can continue his work.
> Can any one tell me how to solve this problem?
> here is the code..
> once the user logged in, he will move to session.jsp page
> session.jsp page
>    code:
>    <div align='left'><a href="logout.jsp">Logout</a>    <a
> href="compose.jsp">Compose</a></div>
>    <BR>
>    <%
>    out.println("Is session new ?"+session.isNew()+"<BR>");
>    out.println("session id="+session.getId());
>    session.setAttribute("check","check");
>    %>
> once the user click the logout link, he will be logged out and session
> will be invalidated
> logout.jsp page
>    code:
>    <%
>    session.invalidate();
>    out.println("Session Invalidated..");
>    %>
> here is the compose page, here iam checking the varaibale set in
> session.if it is null iam forwarding back to login page.
>    code:
>     <%
>    String check=(String)session.getAttribute("check");
>    if (check==null)
>    {
>        %>
>        <jsp:forward page="slogin.jsp">
>        <jsp:param name="memid" value="" />
>        </jsp:forward>
>        <%
>    }
>    else
>    {
>        out.println("Session exists proceed to do the work");
>    }
>    %>
> the problem comes when i open a new window from an existing window.
> i.e. for example , i have opened a new window and typed the login page url.
> now i opened another window from an exisitng window using control+N option.
> like wise i opened three windows.
> So, when i open the windows in this fashion, session created in the
> main window will be same in all the windows that opened thru control+N
> option.
> So, when the user logged out from any one of the windows, session will
> be invalidated in all the windows..
> tell me how to sort this problem.
> --
> Abhishek
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