> From: Anthony Chamas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I am having quite a weird situation on a production server : tomcat
> seems to be stuck somewhere when handling http requests.
> The activity being slow (10 users), some requests take exactly 30
> minutes to be processed.
> I have put aside the following :
> -it happens on any page (not linked to a particular path)

Does it happen on plain content pages as well as dynamic pages (for example, 
does a CSS ever wait 30 minutes to get served)?  Only on dynamic pages, whether 
or not they touch the database?  Only on dynamic pages that touch the database?

> -database lock : when that happens, I do not see any lock in
> the database.
> -filters : we tried to deactivate all of them : same result
> -I see no errors, warning or something significant in the log files.

Next debug step: When it occurs, get a thread dump of your production server.  
The way to do this varies by OS (which you didn't tell us).  It's a 
non-destructive operation; it will not cause your production server to halt, 
but it will give you a trace of where each thread is in the system.  You might 
want to do that twice, a few minutes apart, if you reckon something's waiting 
30 minutes.

That'll give you a lot of data to look over.  I'd be hunting for threads that 
were waiting on locks or waiting in the database connector.  Expect lots of 
waiting threads - most of them will be idle, waiting to process a request.  
This is not an error condition, it's normal!

If you don't get any joy looking at the thread dump (and they're not the 
easiest things in the world to interpret), some of the folks on-list may be 
willing to help.

                - Peter

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