thanks a lot david, just one last query (if i a mnot irritating you),
when you say that tomcat has its "own" compiler, then you mean a compiler other than jasper ..right ??

On Sun, 20 Jul 2008 23:55:35 +0530, David Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

as you said, tomcat has a java compiler for compiling jsp -> servlets "called" jasper.
this is what i read in the wikipedia :
"Jasper parses JSP files to compile them into Java code as servlets"
by that definition, is it right to call jasper a java compiler ?? it is just a jsp parser, and it cannot work for normal java programs !!
I'm not a great expert in how tomcat's compilation of jsps works, but I do know jsp files are compiled first to .java source code and then further compiled to .class files (servlets to be specific). You can see evidence of this in tomcat's work directory.

if i understand you, you are saying that we need a JVM (and not a java compiler) as a dependency (or a prerequisite for installing tomcat). this means that tomcat HAS its own compiler, and it only needs a jvm provided "externally" ,right??

This is correct.


Deepak Mishra wrote:
as you said, tomcat has a java compiler for compiling jsp -> servlets "called" jasper.
this is what i read in the wikipedia :
"Jasper parses JSP files to compile them into Java code as servlets"
by that definition, is it right to call jasper a java compiler ?? it is just a jsp parser, and it cannot work for normal java programs !!

you further say : "BTW:   java is the JVM, javac is the compiler."
if i understand you, you are saying that we need a JVM (and not a java compiler) as a dependency (or a prerequisite for installing tomcat). this means that tomcat HAS its own compiler, and it only needs a jvm provided "externally" ,right??

On Sun, 20 Jul 2008 23:24:45 +0530, David Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tomcat does have a java compiler (jasper) to compile jsp pages to servlets, but it also needs a JVM (java). Setting CLASSPATH is a big no-no. Put any required jars your webapp might need in the proper place. If you use tomcat's internal pooling for db connections, that means putting driver jar files in tomcat's lib directory.


Deepak Mishra wrote:
hi, i am pretty new to tomcat. currently i have tomcat6 on ubuntu-linux. i have pursued some books on tomcat , but they cant help me getting some concepts, they simply point to "using tomcat"
here is one of my doubts i got during database connection..

does tomcat have its own java compiler ?

when i normally connect my simple jdbc program (not a web application), i have to set the CLASSPATH variable for locating the connector/J jar file. but when i am running a jsp in my web-app, which uses jdbc, CLASSPATH doesnt help..i have to explicitly place the library in the web-app's lib or the common/lib.

while installing tomcat, java was demanded as a prerequisite ...meaning to say that tomcat depends on an external java compiler

i hope i am not asking a "dummys" question,as i am new to java too !!
but i will be happy if you people can answer me and/or point me to a nice tutorial to know "how tomcat works" rather than "how to work on tomcat".

thanks all !!
Deepak Mishra

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