I install Apache 5.5 on Ubuntu as super user.
I also do following:
I also create executable tomcat in /etc/init.d with following contents:
export JAVA_HOME=/sw/jdk1.5.0_16
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
export CATALINA_HOME=/sw/tomcat55
./bin/jsvc -Djava.endorsed.dirs=./common/endorsed -cp ./bin/bootstrap.jar
-outfile ./logs/catalina.out -errfile ./logs/catalina.err
I create rc2.d/S31tomcat  and rc6.d/S31tomcat  to point to above executable
and the tomcat comes up when machine reboots. Till now I have no issues.
Now when I try to start / shutdown the tomcat process I see jsvc is unable
to shut it down.
I use following command to shut it down:
/sw/tomcat55/bin/jsvc -Djava.endorsed.dirs=./common/endorsed -cp
./bin/bootstrap.jar -outfile ./logs/catalina.out -errfile
./logs/catalina.err org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap -stop -pidfile


Now the .logs.catalina.err has following error:
19/07/2008 13:06:43 6455 jsvc.exec error: Still running according to PID
file /var/run/jsvc.pid, PID is 6300
19/07/2008 13:06:43 6454 jsvc.exec error: Service exit with a return value
of 122


Any idea wht's going wrong here. Please let me know how to start and stop
this server like we do for other daemons. e.g
/etc/init.d/httpd start
/etc/init.d/httpd stop

Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.

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