> From: nop [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: i18n deployment
> I've stopped tomcat, cleaned the directories conf/Catalina/ and
> work/Catalina and started tomcat again, but i still get only
> the welcome page from the default host displayed.

What URLs are you using?  The host part of the URL must match the configured 
<Host> name attribute, or the request will default.  You might want to turn on 
the AccessLogValve for the <Engine> (not <Host>) to see what's really coming in.

> This is whats inside server.xml:
>       <Host name="appname.de"  appBase="appname_de"
>             unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="false"
>             xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false">
>       </Host>

You must use http://appname.de/ to reach this; is that what you're doing?  
Otherwise, the server.xml looks fine.

> After deployment theres a copy of the file in
> catalinahome/conf/Catalina/appname.com/myapp.xml and
> catalinahome/conf/Catalina/appname.de/myapp.xml.

That is expected.

> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <Context debug="5" reloadable="true" crossContext="false">
>     <Resource   name="jdbc/appname" auth="Container"
... <snip>
> </Context>

This will get you two connection pools, one for each webapp.  If that's not 
what you want, put the DB config in the <GlobalNamingResources> section of 
server.xml.  Keeping two pools does allow the webapps to be independent, which 
is usually a good thing.

> By the way, i deploy by stopping tomcat, copying the war file into the
> appBase directory and starting tomcat again - does this make any
> difference than deploying with tomcats manager application?

I think the manager will clean out the appropriate portion of the work 
directory when an application is stopped - which your procedure isn't doing.  
You should add that to your script to avoid use of old information.

 - Chuck

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