"Christopher Schultz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Hash: SHA1
> All,
> Securityfilter includes a feature that allows users to wrap Tomcat Realm
> classes (Such as DataSourceRealm, JAASRealm, etc.) so they don't have to
> implement their own. The adapter that provides the plumbing between the
> sf code and the tc code is short and sweet, but it has been flawed for
> some time due to tc's RealmBase requirement that setContainer() be
> called before the Realm is brought into service.
> Since we are instantiating these objects outside of Tomcat (that is,
> where we don't have any references to Tomcat internal objects), I'm
> wondering about a few things.
> First, does anyone know if the Container used by the Realm actually
> needs to be the currently-running Tomcat Container object? Can we just
> create a dummy one and let it go?

Unless you pre-registester the Realm with JMX, the dummy needs to extend 
ContainerBase.  But otherwise, it just needs to implement getLogger() and 
getContainerSuffix() (not needed if you JMX register yourself) to have a 
dummy container.

Note:  I haven't tried this myself, just looked for references to the 
Container in the Tomcat 6 code.  As such, there is no promise that this is 
100% accurate ;).

> Regardless of whether a dummy Container is useful, is there a way to get
> a reference to the currently-running Tomcat Container object? We may be
> able to get to objects such as the ServletContext in order to complete
> setup of these objects in memory before they are actually used.

You can get this from the "managedResource" attribute on the MBean 
corresponding to the Container via JMX.  Tomcat stand-alone has standard 
naming conventions for the ObjectName, so this should be too hard to work 
out (but J2EE Containers may have their own naming conventions for Tomcat 
MBeans).  Depending on the Tomcat version and/or configuration, the 
Container class may not be visible to your ClassLoader.  So there is no 
guarantee that you could call setContainer for a Realm that was created by 
your webapp.  You will also likely have problems if you are running Tomcat 
with a SecurityManager.

> Any help would be very much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> - -chris
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