> From: Johnny Kewl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> From: "Thangavel Sankaranarayanan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > i am using tomcat as a window service
> > ..so i couldn't create a thread dump...

> http://localhost:8080/manager/status
> will give you some info on thread usage

This assumes the OP has the manager installed.  Difficult to tell, as the OP 
didn't give us a Tomcat version.

> To create a thread dump in windows... see this link
> http://www.adventnet.com/products/webnms/help/developer_guide/troubleshooting_tips/creating_threaddump.html
> Basically its just Ctrl Break from a dos box...

Johnny, *read the question before posting*.  The OP has already stated that 
they're running as a Windows service.  No DOS box.

To the OP: If you're on a recent enough JDK (1.6), use jstack.  If you're on an 
older JDK, you might want to upgrade just to get this ability :-).

http://blogs.sun.com/pcmreddy/entry/using_jstack_on_windows gives an overview 
of using jstack.
http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/tools/share/jstack.html is the Sun 
documentation for it.

                - Peter

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