hello Robert-

first looking at your present folder layout

Not under tomcats control.. /usr/share/myapp/            
Not under tomcats control.. /usr/share/myapp/webapp   

I would suggest reading how to configure your tomcat engine at /conf/server.xml
<Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps"
       unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"
       xmlValidation="true" xmlNamespaceAware="true">

wgere the structure for your ROOT folder would look like

and the root.war would deploy to

the mapping would be 
path - The context path (including the leading slash)
    of the web application you are dealing with.  To select the ROOT web
    application, specify "/".  

I agree with Andre that a fresh install would solve most of these 
misconfiguration errors you are now seeing
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> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2008 12:53:15 +0200
> To: users@tomcat.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Creating a new Service
> Hi and Welcome to the list.
> I can't answer your questions below, but since you are new to the list, 
> allow me to make a couple of predictions :
> The first thing you are going to be asked is under which OS you are 
> running this, and from where you downloaded and installed Tomcat 5.5. 
> So you might as well add that information right away.
> The second thing likely to happen, is that someone will tell you to get 
> rid of that Tomcat, and re-install one from the original Tomcat 
> distribution.  That sounds hard, but it is to some extent 
> understandable, since each distribution seems to put stuff in different 
> places, and that makes it harder for people here to provide useful 
> answers (and particularly for your type of configuration question).
> Now, don't get discouraged and hang on there.  Usually, after this 
> initial stage, the answers are good and people here know their stuff and 
> are genuinely helpful.
> And also, because you say that you have already been playing around with 
> the configuration and are getting all kinds of errors as a result, you 
> might anyway want to de-install your now messed-up tomcat-webapps and 
> tomcat packages, re-install a clean tomcat package (without the 
> webapps), and start from there.
> André
> ;-)
> Robert Drescher wrote:
> > Hello everyone in this list!
> > 
> > This is my first post in the users-help, after successfully installing
> > Tomcat5.5
> > 
> > The default applications are running (in the /usr/share/tomcat5.5-webapps
> > folder), but for testing my application, I'd like to move mine to a
> > different location in the filesystem.
> > Am I right in my assumption that for this, I will need to create a new
> > service in the server.xml, apart from Catalina?
> > 
> > My structure would look like this:
> > 
> > /usr/share/myapp/              <-- my applications root, the equivalent to
> > /usr/share/tomcat5.5-webapps
> > /usr/share/myapp/webapp   <-- my applications webapp, the equivalent to
> > /usr/share/tomcat5.5-webapps/ROOT
> > 
> > in the end, i'd like requests going to http://localhost:1234 being mapped to
> > /usr/share/myapp/webapp, the same as requests going to
> > http://localhost:8180being now mapped to
> > /usr/share/tomcat5.5-webapps/ROOT
> > 
> > Which configurations do I have to change? I've ben messing around with the
> > server.xml and the configurations of my webapp for some time, with the
> > result of getting return code 400
> > Also, as soon as this is working, can I just remove the definition of
> > catalina from the server.xml to deactivate all the standard applications?
> > 
> > I'd be very happy to recieve some advice on this and maybe even example
> > configuration files *wink*
> > 
> > Robert
> > 
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