There might be a simpler solution than migrating to a completely
different OS. :-)

What exactly do you mean by "don't get retrieved"? Does it throw an
exception? Is there an error message in Tomcat's log?

When you execute the query in MySQL, do you get exactly the same
results as on the old system? In particular, are the column names what
you expect?

On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 20:02, Glyn Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am in the process of converting a Tomcat front end for a MySQL database
> from
> Windows XP to Windows Vista.
> The XP version used MySQL Version 5.0.22, Tomcat 5.5.20, JRE 1.5.0 release
> 12 with Tomcat JDK 4 Compatibility Pack, and J/Connector 5.0.6.
> The Vista version is using MySQL Version 5.0.51a, Tomcat 5.5.26, JRE
> 1.6.0_05, and J/Connector 5.1.6.
> I am unable to display any parts of a result set that are retrieved from
> JOINed tables in the Vista version - this works fine in the XP version.  I
> already tried converting the queries to use JOIN syntax instead of WHERE
> syntax, without improvement.
> For example, this query works correctly in the MySQL command line:
> i.ImageID,i.DateDay,i.DateMonth,i.DateYear,i.Location1,i.Location2,i.Scanned
> YN,i.MediaID,c.Description as 'Country', s.SubjectID, s.SubjectTypeID,
> i.CountryID,i.PhotographerID, i.VolumeNumber FROM image_tbl i JOIN
> lu_country_tbl c ON (i.countryid=c.countryid) JOIN xrf_image_subject_tbl si
> ON (si.Imageid=i.imageid) JOIN subject_tbl s ON (si.Subjectid=s.subjectid)
> WHERE (i.imageid=1234);
> In JSP, I retrieve the results of this query into an rsImages variable, and
> then iterate through the rows using:
> <c:forEach var="row" items="${rsImage.rows}">
> Rows that retrieve directly from the image_tbl work correctly e.g.
> ${row.ImageID} will display the image ID.
> However, elements from the joined tables, such as ${row.Country} and
> ${row.SubjectID} don't get retrieved.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Glyn Thomas

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