if ( pos > 0 )
            url = url.substring(pos);
Found a bug in that this should be pos+1 to remove the "?".

            if ( paramAndValue[0].equals(paramName) )
                return true;
We're also doing a URLDecoder.decode on the paramAndValue[0] in case the param name was encoded (though in practice it's rarely done).

Wouldn't be faster/less coding if you just use this?

URL aURL = new URL(url);
String urlParams = aURL.getQuery();
if (urlParams.contains(paramName)) {
// proccess as needed if paramName exists
} else {
// process as otherwise
That would find the paramName even if was a substring of a param name or the param value. That is, if I'm checking if param "name" exists, and the URL query string was "firstname=bob" or "sort=nameOrder" that code would say "name" exists but no such "name" param is there.


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