André Warnier wrote:

> Markus Schönhaber wrote:
>> (provided, the
>> browser doesn't do some guessing of the charset based on the content).
> Not in any way to distract from your main question, which is very 
> interesting, but that is a very big "provided", because IE does a lot of 
> second-guessing the server, infamously.
> And considering that IE still covers at least 90% of the corporate sites 
> I know, that may be a reason for a bug like this - if bug there is - to 
> remain largely unnoticed.

As I understand Mark's reply, he doesn't consider DefaultServlet's
behaviour, under the circumstances I'm talking about, as being correct
either. This supports my view of the issue as a bug.

And yes, you may be right that the the widespread use of IE may have
helped to conceal this bug.

1. As I said before: looking at IE to find out if a server behaves
correctly seems to me like asking Genghis Khan when you want to learn
about peace, freedom and human rights.
2. (much more important) this bug affects me. So I will have this fixed,
while the reasons why this has gone largely unnoticed for obviously
quite some time are of little relevance to me.


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