On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 02:31:41AM +0200, André Warnier wrote:
> Markus Schönhaber wrote:
>> Furthermore, if I understand the OP's statement above correctly, he wants 
>> to be able to restart the development Tomcat without affecting the 
>> production Tomcat. That's not possible with either of those two solutions.
> True. But I was wondering why he said that he needed to restart Tomcat.  
> Considering that he mentioned he knows not much about it, the OP may be 
> unaware that it is not necessary to restart Tomcat, if the reason is just to 
> re-install/re-start a new version of the test application.

Why?  Because, however good Tomcat is, webapp.s are notorious for
leaking (and occasionally gushing) Tomcat's resources as they stop and
start.  Particularly with software under active development, there is
the real possibility that app A will run Tomcat out of some vital
memory pool and precipitate the crash of app B, though B be coded ever
so carefully.

Here our production Tomcats run pretty well.  The development Tomcat
can lock up several times a day, spinning at 100% CPU and unable to
execute a controlled shutdown, as we update a developing app. a mere
dozen times.  I am ever so happy to have not just separate production
and development containers, but separate hosts, to contain the
problems of unfinished software until they can be fixed.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

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