wmueller wrote:
> I have a small web application. Some pages are free to visit for everyone
> but some other are only available after login (username/password). I try to
> make the login page and all other pages after the login to use https.
> you can think of a application structure like this:
> /public/page.xhtml
> /private/login.xhtml
> /private/morepage.xhtml
> while all pages under /public use http and all pages under private should
> only accessible with https

You should create a security constraint for the /private branch of the pages
in the web.xml file of your application. The following frangment should be
rather close to what you're looking for (/private/* require that user is
authenticated and are only available through a protected connection).


On top of that, you'll naturally need to set up Tomcat so that it also
accepts https connections.

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