
I am trying to get Tomcat 6.0.18 to run on my Win2k3 x64 edition server. I 
basically did the same thing talked about here:
but it didn't work for me. I didn't use the service.bat install though. I 
installed the service manually with the sc.exe command.

I am using the 64-bit 1.6.0_06 JDK.  I don't get any Windows errors, the 
service start process just times out. My catalina and jakarta logs don't have 
anything useful. The logs seem to indicate that Tomcat started up fine--only it 

When I start up Tomcat from the command line, it works fine. I did have to 
check the box in tomcat6w.exe to allow the service to interact with the desktop 
to run it from the command line though. That seemed a little weird. 

Anyone successful in running Tomcat 6 as a 64-bit service? 



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