Well, I do not know what DefaultSparqlDispatcher actually is, but googling found
the following source code of it:


Thus, the following line:
is the address to where it opens an HttpURLConnection.

What is that address? Judging from the behavior, it occurs that it makes
request back to itself.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

2008/9/5 Kjetil Kjernsmo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi all!
> I'm struggling with a really weird problem. I have a Cocoon 2.2 application
> that runs on Tomcat 5.5.25-5ubuntu1 and Java 1.5.0. My (semi-)production
> system, my test system and my development system are Ubuntu 8.04 boxes, and
> they differ very little, with the exception that the production environment
> is a Vmware slice, the others are not. The application runs fine on the
> development and test systems, but it is not at all working on the production
> box.
> What's happening is that I deploy the war, restart the server. I then GET a
> URL on the system, apparently, any URL will do. The application starts doing
> its thing. In my log, I see messages like
> http-8180-Processor230 DEBUG impl.DefaultSparqlDispatcher - SPARQLdispatcher
> connected to Joseki.
> http-8180-Processor229 DEBUG impl.DefaultSparqlDispatcher - SPARQLdispatcher
> connected to Joseki.
> http-8180-Processor228 DEBUG impl.DefaultSparqlDispatcher - SPARQLdispatcher
> connected to Joseki.
> which my application emits. The problem is that the application has apparently
> gone into a loop, as this appears to be different threads. Eventually, it
> runs out of threads, and comes to a halt:
> (...)

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