>> If I remember well the <security-role-ref> just creates an alias on an
>> existing <security-role> for servlets.
>> It's not related to the mapping between my "system" groups and the
>> application roles.
> O.k., I'm confused.  Isn't an alias just what you need to do the mapping from 
> any role names used internally in your webapp to the roles (groups) obtained 
> from the LDAP server?

Yes an alias is what I need :-)
But <security-role-ref> is not done for that (unless I missed something).
Quoting: http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Servlets/servletapi2.3/

            mgr <!-- name used by servlet -->
            manager <!-- name used in deployment descriptor -->



the servlet secret can call isUserInRole("mgr") or
isUserInRole("manager") -- they will give the same behavior.
Basically, security-role-ref acts to create an alias, but isn't


What I am looking for is more a security role mapping descriptor or
Like one can do in SunAS:


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