Hi Guys,
                    I am running tomcat 6.0 which is confgured through 
Intellij Idea . My objective was to run Jconsole to see it in action . 
Basically I didn't tinker with the catalina.bat file(whatever comes 
bundled with Tomcat) at all . Intellij uses the catalina.bat as a startup 
and and as shutdown script . So nowhere I set the "
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote" parameter that needs to be used in order 
to attach the JMX agent to the Java app in order to get some results using 
the Jconsole. But when I run tomcat through Intellij Idea and when I start 
Jconsole , it is detecting " org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start " 
as one of the local process ....

Who is setting the "-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote" parameter in my case ? 
Please reply . 


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