On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 9:59 AM, André Warnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I realise that this can be done via e.g. an external DB.
> It could also probably be done, most portably, by creating an entirely
> separate application accessed via HTTP calls e.g. (à la "Amazon DB" ?).
> But it looks as if "within the same container", it would be much more
> efficient if kept in local memory, and avoiding overhead like TCP/IP or JDBC
> or RMI.
> Not being an expert in any of the underlying matters, I would just like to
> know from the eperts here, but preferably without too many difficult words
> like "classloader" and "dispatchers", if this is in theory possible/allowed,
> if it could be done in such a way as to be portable to a different container
> etc..

Well, it is possible by placing stuff in shared/lib and access it from
different contextes, but it will make your life extremely complicated,
especially if you start to reload applications on the fly, probably
causing an outofmemory exception at some point.
On the other side an rmi connection on the local machine is extremely
cheap (same applies to corba), if you make one call to rmi (or corba)
in one request to the application you won't even be able to measure
the transport overhead (far below 1 ms), and taking in account that
transport from browser to server is much much slower, you can ignore
the overhead. The overhead of http or soap is much higher due to
larger footprint of the call, parsing, connection issues (you have to
reconnect or handle keep alives yourself) and so on.
Behind your rmi service you can have an external db or just a hashmap
(concurrent one) or whatever serves best.
To sum it up, the TOC (total cost of ownership) of an RMI service are
much much lower as of most other solutions.


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