ancles wrote:
> All,
> I encounter some problems when migrating our web application from Tomcat
> 5.0.25 to 5.5.25. The reason is some classes or methods are removed in
> 5.5.25. I need some help since I don't have much background in Tomcat API.

In both cases what are you actually trying to achieve. The 5.0-5.5
refactoring means that the 'new' classes might not be the best way to
achieve what you are trying to achieve.


> 1. Class org.apache.catalina.Deployer was removed.
> In our program it used Deployer.install() to install web application
> manually. It seems in version 5.5 the Class was dropped. I know another
> deployer is to use ant deploy. But that doesn't satisfy the requirement.
> Where could I find the deployer class?
> 2. CoyoteConnector and CoyoteServerSocketFactory
> I find Class CoyoteConnector was moved to
> org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector. But some function is removed, such
> as setAddress(), setFactory(). So this is the problem. We used to create a
> CoyoteServerSocketFactory and call CoyoteConnector.setFactory(ssf), and now
> we can't find this function. Is it mean that it doesn't need to new this
> Factory? Or other function can work as complement?
> Look like some stupid question :-(
> Any comment will be very helpful. Thank you in advance.

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