We are currently experiencing an issue with Jakarta ISAPI Redirector 1.2.25,
where our log is filling up with the following and our clients are receiving
503 errors:

[Thu Sep 25 12:05:28.937 2008] [732:3700] [info] jk_ajp_common.c (891):
Failed opening socket to ( (errno=61)
[Thu Sep 25 12:05:28.937 2008] [732:3700] [info] jk_ajp_common.c (1311):
(gauss41) error connecting to the backend server (errno=61)
[Thu Sep 25 12:05:28.937 2008] [732:3700] [info] jk_ajp_common.c (2085):
(gauss41) sending request to tomcat failed,  recoverable operation attempt=2
[Thu Sep 25 12:05:28.937 2008] [732:3700] [error] jk_ajp_common.c (2097):
(gauss41) Connecting to tomcat failed. Tomcat is probably not started or is
listening on the wrong port
[Thu Sep 25 12:05:28.937 2008] [732:3700] [info] jk_lb_worker.c (1128):
service failed, worker gauss41 is in error state
[Thu Sep 25 12:05:28.937 2008] [732:3700] [info] jk_lb_worker.c (1191): All
tomcat instances are busy or in error state
[Thu Sep 25 12:05:28.937 2008] [732:3700] [error] jk_isapi_plugin.c (1537):
service() failed with http error 503

I know for a fact that Tomcat (our backend) is working, because you can
connect without trouble to it directly (without Jakarta) and we get no
issues. This leads me to believe that the Connector is running out of
processes. Here is my workers.properties:


What is possibly more telling is the following messages we receive in normal
operation in the ISAPI log file:

[Mon Oct 13 22:31:15.921 2008] [3188:7160] [info] jk_ajp_common.c (1511):
Writing to client aborted or client network problems
[Mon Oct 13 22:31:15.921 2008] [3188:7160] [info] jk_ajp_common.c (1996):
(gauss41) request failed, because of client write error without recovery in
send loop attempt=0
[Mon Oct 13 22:31:15.921 2008] [3188:7160] [info] jk_lb_worker.c (1092):
unrecoverable error 200, request failed. Client failed in the middle of
request, we can't recover to another instance.
[Mon Oct 13 22:31:15.921 2008] [3188:7160] [info] jk_isapi_plugin.c (1533):
service() failed because client aborted connection
[Mon Oct 13 22:31:15.937 2008] [3188:7360] [error] jk_isapi_plugin.c (754):
WriteClient failed with 00002745

I know this suggests that the client has hit "Stop" or navigated away from
the page, but we get *a lot* of these messages - sometimes 1 per second.

Has anyone got any advice? Our server is going down quite frequently and we
would like to resume normal service as soon as possible.


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