I read the cluster how-to regarding. I'm still not clear on a couple of details if is just using DeltaManager and SimpleTcpCluster:

  1. If useDirtyFlag is false, I assume that the session is entire
     replicated after each and every access.  Is this correct?
  2. If useDirtyFlag is true, are only the pieces of the session that
     were changed (via setAttribute(), removeAttribute(), etc) sent
     throughout the cluster?
         * Or is this a separately configurable option?  If so, when
           one calls setAttribute() and/or removeAttribute multiple
           times on the same attribute during the same request, are the
           duplicate events/deltas coalesced?

I'm just trying to understand the behavior and capabilities of the clustering a bit better. I naively expected to find replication only when setAttribute(), removeAttribute() or the like are called /and/ that these changes would be coalesced into a minimalistic delta that would then be pushed to other nodes in the cluster (with a separate timestamp on each attribute if necessary).

Jess Holle

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