2008/10/15 Jérôme Delattre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I am looking for a standalone transaction manager for Tomcat.
> I tried JOTM but there's some blocker bugs in XAPool and the
> datasource implementation, moreover no new release for 3 years is
> scary :-)
> JBossTM works fine but it's under LGPL and unfortunatly I can't use
> it, too bad :-(
> Atomikos would be ok but I did not manage to configure it with Spring
> (the lookup for JTATransactionManager fails: No JTA ... found ..., and
> I don't wan't to tweak my applicationContext.xml with specific things
> as it should work in some other servers).
> I don't know if Geronimo provides a standalone TM that I could use in
> Tomcat, it seems to but I did not found any clear doc / post.
> Which TM are using with Tomcat?
> Thanks,
> Jerome

I've just noticed JOTM is available in version 2.1.2 in maven repository ...

On their website it's still 2.0.10 ... strange.

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