Hi, I'm having a problem with a redirect filter in tomcat 5.5.26 using
jdk 1.6.07 on Solaris 5.10. I have two web applications, as war files,
being autodeployed on tomcat startup, which the majority of the time
start with no problem but on some occasions the webapp which contains
the filter in its web.xml hangs for a number of minutes (up to 10
minutes in the worst case) then fails with  "SEVERE: error filterStart
[appName]" - the other application and tomcat then starts as normal with
little other information in the log.  My question, is there a race
condition possibly encountered initialising the filter? From code
analysis it seems that the filter class and its exception handling is
trying to use init-param's possibly before they have been set as the
filter class should be started on a separate thread to tomcat. Is it
possible that this is the case? From looking into this I haven't seen
this problem elsewhere and I thought it was safe to assume that tomcat
shouldn't try to initialise the class before setting the parameters. I
don't think it can be a configuration issue either as in most cases the
application starts without error and the redirect works. I should also
note that I am starting tomcat not from the supplied
startup.sh/shutdown.sh scripts but by method invocation from another
class so that I can initialise custom logging and remote configuration
for the webapps via a third party library, again though I don't think
this is the source of the problem as even when the failed component
doesn't deploy the logging works and the configuration retrieved from
the remote server is correct.


I'm completely at a loss and any info that anyone could provide would be
very much appreciated.






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