one correction

you can buy commercial support, just google "tomcat support" and you'll find several companies offering commercial support with warranty and resolution guarantees


André Warnier wrote:
rajesh202023 wrote:
Hi All,

Can anyone please tell me whether Tomcat 6.0 is supported on the following
platforms or not?

a. Windows 2003, 2008 32 bit x86 b. Windows 2003, 2008 64 bit x64 c. Solaris 10 SPARC d. HP-UX 11.31 IPF
e. RHEL 5, SLES 10 x64

I am not the best qualified to answer your question, but I will make a stab at it, and someone else can contradict me if I am wrong.

Your question above really has several parts :

1) is Tomcat "supported" ?

Tomcat being a free and open source thing, it is not really "supported" in the sense that a commercial product may be supported. The support you get (like here) is free of charge, which does not mean that it is bad, but that you get what you get.

2) does Tomcat 6.x run on the above platforms ?

Nothing that Tomcat does should in principle access the platform itself directly, it all goes through the Java JVM. Since Tomcat runs in the Java JVM, I would think that as long as a decent Java JVM is present on the platform in question, nothing should prevent Tomcat 6.x from running.
That's one of the benefits of Java.
For Tomcat 6.x, you will need at least a Java 1.5 JRE or JDK.

3) where your Tomcat come from
There are different packages for Tomcat 6.x.

There is "the official Tomcat", which you obtain from the Tomcat website "";. That one will install on all platforms, in the same essential way. Since this is the Tomcat package that the "helpers" on this list all know and love (and use themselves), it is the easiest for them to support, because they know "where things are" and how it is configured. But, the way in which it installs and the way in which it must be administered and maintained does not necessarily match the constraints of the environment in which you work, or the wishes of your system administrators.

And then there are, for each platform, some pre-packaged versions of Tomcat, usually available in that platform's "software depot" or similar, and installable with the standard software utilities of that platform (e.g. SAM for HP, apt-get for Linux Debian, rpm for other Linuxes, etc..) These are the easiest for the sysadmins to install and maintain and update, because they fit with the rest that exists on the machine, they can use their preferred tools, they can easily see what is installed, etc... One inconvenient of these packages is that they are not necessarily available for the latest available version of Tomcat. That is normally compensated by the fact that these packages have been tested, that their installation has been tested, that the installation will automatically resolve any issue of dependencies with other packages, etc.. (e.g. automatically install Java if it is not already present, or SSL if needed, etc..). Another inconvenient of these packages is that they sometimes (usually) use other directories to install the software than what the official Tomcat does, they put links all over the place, they use different configuration files, etc.. So the problem is that if you use one of these "non-official-Tomcat" packages, it may be easy to install and your sysadmins may be happy, but the people on this list may have a harder time helping you in case of problems, because they do not know where things are or which configuration things are changed from the official version.

Hope this helps

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