
I have Tomcat installed on a server that already has "Default Website" 
configured for other use and I cannot use
it to redirect to Tomcat. So I created another website that should listen to 
port 80 and authenticate users via AD authentication.
After authentication it should redirect requests to Tomcat. Previously I have 
done such installations with one difference.
I have been able to use "Default Website" and  generally there have been little 
or no problems.

However with this installation it doesn't work. System is Windows Server 2003, 
IIS version is 6, tomcat version is 5.5.16,
ISAPI redirect version is 1.2.26. I did not use compatibility mode for IIS 5 
and first I got 404 (or maybe 403 or something)
from IIS, but I figured out that it was because of rights to read and execute 
dll. I corrected them and now IIS returns
internal server error. Both Tomcat and ISAPI redirect filter start ok. Filter 
has a green arrow in front of it and I can use
web application directly from port 8080.

All that appears on ISAPI redirctor's log on debug level is as follows:

[Tue Oct 07 15:45:52.843 2008] [6728:6948] [debug] jk_util.c (430): 
Pre-processed log time stamp format is '[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S.000 %Y] '
[Tue Oct 07 15:45:52.843 2008] [6728:6948] [debug] jk_shm.c (169): Initialized 
shared memory size=28800 free=28672 addr=0x1eb0000
[Tue Oct 07 15:45:52.843 2008] [6728:6948] [debug] jk_isapi_plugin.c (1688): 
Using registry.
[Tue Oct 07 15:45:52.843 2008] [6728:6948] [debug] jk_isapi_plugin.c (1691): 
Using log file C:\foo\Tomcat\isapi\log\isapi_redirect.log.
[Tue Oct 07 15:45:52.843 2008] [6728:6948] [debug] jk_isapi_plugin.c (1692): 
Using log level 1.
[Tue Oct 07 15:45:52.843 2008] [6728:6948] [debug] jk_isapi_plugin.c (1693): 
Using extension uri /jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll.
[Tue Oct 07 15:45:52.843 2008] [6728:6948] [debug] jk_isapi_plugin.c (1694): 
Using worker file C:\foo\Tomcat\conf\workers.properties.minimal.
[Tue Oct 07 15:45:52.843 2008] [6728:6948] [debug] jk_isapi_plugin.c (1695): 
Using worker mount file C:\foo\Tomcat\conf\uriworkermap.properties.
[Tue Oct 07 15:45:52.843 2008] [6728:6948] [debug] jk_isapi_plugin.c (1697): 
Using rewrite rule file .
[Tue Oct 07 15:45:52.843 2008] [6728:6948] [debug] jk_isapi_plugin.c (1699): 
Using uri select 3.

So it starts ok? At lest it shows that keys in registery are correct; right 
property files are found and debug level is on. Should I see some more output 
For example GET messages? Anyway that's all that filter outputs.

Content of workers.properties.minimal:




Content of uriworkermap.properties:


Same configuration files have previously (and still do) worked well with othes 
servers, so I have no reason to doubt that they are to blame.
Any idea what would be causing the behavior? Is the Isapi Filter supposed to be 
cinfigured for a spesific website if I do have multiple
websites? Or should it be configured for upper level ("WebSites"), or is this 
kind of configuration supposed to work in the first place?
I quess that IIS finds the filter ok, because first when rights for filter were 
incorrect, I got different error message than now. Any Ideas?

Best Regards,

Mikko Pukki

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