I am installing Tomcat 5.5.27 on Windows XP as the servlet container for a Spring MVC app we will be hosting. I have installed many older versions of Tomcat with no problems but I'm stuck on this installation.

In older Tomat versions when an application is started, in my case a Spring based app, loads of Spring output is written to STDOUT. It is literally impossible to debug Spring startup issues without this output.

With my current T5.5.27 installation I see some files being created in the logs dir upon startup: admin,catalina,host-manager,localhost and manager. But these files are empty. There is no output to be found from Spring.

Where would output to STDOUT be found? http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/FAQ/Logging#Q6 says it should be in catalina.out.

Is there a way to produce some log entries from the Tomcat distribution to determine if STDOUT output is going where is is supposed to go?

Thanks for any help or advice,

-- bill

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