Your both right. It's fixed and working now. One other thing for reference purposes. There are a couple default policies in Apache that cause DWR to malfunction. I was able to locate them and commented them out. It may be one or both of the following policies.

##SecRule REQUEST_METHOD "!^(?:GET|HEAD)$" "chain, deny,log,status:501,id:960010,severity:4,msg:'Request content encoding is not allowed by policy'" ##SecRule HTTP_Content-Type "!^(?:application/x-www-form-urlencoded|multipart/form-data|text/xml)$"


##SecRule REQUEST_METHOD "!^(?:GET|HEAD)$" "chain, deny,log,status:501,id:960010,severity:4,msg:'Request content encoding is not allowed by policy'" ##SecRule HTTP_Content-Type "!^(?:application/x-www-form-urlencoded|multipart/form-data|text/xml)$"

I didn't check for sure which one is causing the problem with dwr because they were both causing errors in my log.

So as far as i am concerned the problem was solved.

Thank you to everyone that help me!

----- Original Message ----- From: "André Warnier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 3:20 AM
Subject: Re: Apache mod_jk and Tomcat not working correctly

Forget my earlier response, and look at Rainer's.
He spotted what I did not, in your JkMount.
You don't have any JkMount that will match /dwr-examples/dwr, and that
is the problem.
But go back, read Rainer's answer, do the different things that he says
(cleaning up mostly), and read the stuff below if you still do not get it.

the Why :

When Apache gets asked for a URL, and it realises that this URL
corresponds to a directory (not a file), it will :
- try and locate, in that directory, a document that matches one of the
ones indicated in its "DirectoryIndex" directive.  If it finds one, it
will return it to the browser, and he's done.
- if it doesn't, it will look if he's authorised to create himself a
directory list of files (Options Indexes).  If he is, he will create
such a document, send it back to the browser, and he's done.
- if the above all fails, Apache returns a "not found" error.
That's a bit simplified, but it's the idea.

What probably happens in your case :
1) You enter the URL "http://localhost/dwr-examples/";
2) Apache gets this request, and tries to match /dwr-examples/ with all
your Alias and JkMount directives.
3) It does not find a match with JkMount, but finds a match with your
Alias directive :
Alias /dwr-examples "/www/tomcat5/webapps/dwr-examples/"
4) So it serves this content itself.  It looks in
"/www/tomcat5/webapps/dwr-examples/" to find a "DirectoryIndex" file
(you did not say what you put there).  Suppose it finds one there,
called "index.html". It sends it to the browser and he's done.
5) Now something in this file tells the browser to load the page
"http://localhost/dwr-examples/dwr";, so it does.
(I am guessing here, but you should be able to see what happens, in
sequence, in your Apache access log)
6) Apache gets this new request (for "/dwr-examples/dwr"), and starts
again trying to match it with Alias and JkMount.  It again does not
match any JkMount, but it does match the same Alias as before, so Apache
tries to serve this new request from the directory
"/www/tomcat5/webapps/dwr-examples/" (loking for "dwr" in there).
7) It does not find anything there called "dwr", so it returns the error
you are seeing in the log.

By doing what Rainer is recommending :
JkMount /dwr-examples/* workername
and then "un-mounting" selected parts of that, like
JkUnMount /dwr-examples/*.html workername
you avoid the above, because your call to
"/dwr-examples/dwr" will now match the first JkMount, so it will be
re-directed to Tomcat (and Apache will not try to do it itself), and
Tomcat (presumably) knows what to do with "/dwr-examples/dwr".

Wayne Bragg wrote:
Apache is suppose to serve /dwr-examples and /dwr-examples/dwr just not
any jsp or jspx that is called for

Alias /dwr-examples "/www/tomcat5/webapps/dwr-examples/"
also covers URLs like "/dwr-examples/dwr", and so it is Apache trying to
serve it, it is never re-directed to Tomcat by mod_jk, it does not even
get that far.

I kind of get what you are saying and will try

AliasMatch /dwr-examples/(.*\.(html?|jpg|php))$

(I put html?|jog|php .. because I don't remember how to say "not .jsp")

but the alias structure I posted is the way I always had it and it
worked, but not before I made some other fixes that I don't remember.

I'm not quite understanding what you want me to try though.
Do you mean get rid of the current Alias code and replace it with

AliasMatch /dwr-examples/(.*\.(html?|jpg|php))$

or use it in addition to it and where exactly should it go?
Prior to the JkMount /dwr-examples/*.jsp ajp13worker1

Forgive me for being so dense but this is new to me!

----- Original Message ----- From: "André Warnier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2008 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: Apache mod_jk and Tomcat not working correctly

I think your Alias at the beginning has "more priority" than your
JkMount later.
Not that the order in the config file matters, that's not what I mean.
What I mean is :
Alias /dwr-examples "/www/tomcat5/webapps/dwr-examples/"
also covers URLs like "/dwr-examples/dwr", and so it is Apache trying to
serve it, it is never re-directed to Tomcat by mod_jk, it does not even
get that far.
Try maybe (one line)
AliasMatch /dwr-examples/(.*\.(html?|jpg|php))$

(I put html?|jog|php .. because I don't remember how to say "not .jsp")

Wayne Bragg wrote:
I guess I need to add, going through http port 80 works with no errors
for everything except .jsp to tomcat

----- Original Message ----- From: "Martin Gainty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2008 5:41 PM
Subject: RE: Apache mod_jk and Tomcat not working correctly

Please confirm this parameter in $APACHE_HOME/conf/httpd.conf
Listen 80

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Subject: Apache mod_jk and Tomcat not working correctly
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2008 17:17:13 -0500

my setup:
    WinXP Home
    Wed-Dev install of:
        Apache/2.2.3 (Win32)
        Tomcat 5
        PHP 5.2.0

I have mod_jk connector set up the following way according to

Alias /dwr-examples "/www/tomcat5/webapps/dwr-examples/"

 <Directory "/www/tomcat5/webapps/dwr-examples/">
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride None
  Order deny,allow
  Deny from all
  Allow from all

  AddType text/html .php .phps
  AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php
  AddHandler application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

mod_jk setup:
    LoadModule jk_module modules/

<IfModule jk_module>
     JkWorkersFile conf/Suite-extra/
     JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log
     JkLogLevel warn
     JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "
     JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories
     JkRequestLogFormat "%w %V %T"

    <Location /*/WEB-INF/*>
         # AllowOverride None
          deny from all

    JkMount /dwr-examples/*.jsp ajp13worker1
    JkMount /dwr-examples/*.jspx ajp13worker1
    JkUnMount /dwr-examples/*.html  ajp13worker1
    JkUnMount /dwr-examples/*.htm  ajp13worker1
    JkUnMount /dwr-examples/*.png  ajp13worker1
    JkUnMount /dwr-examples/*.jpg  ajp13worker1
    JkUnMount /dwr-examples/*.jpeg  ajp13worker1
    JkUnMount /dwr-examples/*.gif  ajp13worker1
    JkUnMount /dwr-examples/*.ico  ajp13worker1
    JkUnMount /dwr-examples/*.php  ajp13worker1


Everthing works using port 8080 but I am getting the following error
in the
error.log in Apache when I use port
80 ie: http://localhost:8080/dwr-examples/ vs

[Sun Oct 26 15:11:32 2008] [notice] ModSecurity for Apache 2.0.4
[Sun Oct 26 15:11:34 2008] [notice] Apache/2.2.3 (Win32) PHP/5.2.0
mod_ssl/2.2.3 OpenSSL/0.9.8d mod_jk/1.2.19 mod_perl/2.0.3-dev
configured -- resuming normal operations
[Sun Oct 26 15:11:34 2008] [notice] Server built: Nov 15 2006 21:34:51
[Sun Oct 26 15:11:34 2008] [notice] Parent: Created child process 268
[Sun Oct 26 15:11:36 2008] [notice] ModSecurity for Apache 2.0.4
[Sun Oct 26 15:11:38 2008] [notice] Child 268: Child process is running
[Sun Oct 26 15:11:38 2008] [notice] Child 268: Acquired the start
[Sun Oct 26 15:11:38 2008] [notice] Child 268: Starting 250 worker
[Sun Oct 26 15:11:38 2008] [notice] Child 268: Starting thread to
listen on
port 443.
[Sun Oct 26 15:11:38 2008] [notice] Child 268: Starting thread to
listen on
port 80.
[Sun Oct 26 15:11:51 2008] [error] [client] File does not
C:/www/tomcat5/webapps/dwr-examples/dwr, referer:
[Sun Oct 26 15:11:51 2008] [error] [client] File does not
C:/www/tomcat5/webapps/dwr-examples/dwr, referer:
[Sun Oct 26 15:11:51 2008] [error] [client] File does not
C:/www/tomcat5/webapps/dwr-examples/dwr, referer:
[Sun Oct 26 15:11:52 2008] [error] [client] File does not
[Sun Oct 26 15:11:55 2008] [error] [client] File does not

Where /DWR is a servlet in Tomcat that works properly under port:8080

When I installed this originally I had the same trouble and through
effort got it working right. Then I built an elaborate webapp and lost
drive. The
backup I had was only of the webapp and not the server setup, dumb me!

One of the things I thought I had to do for some reason, maybe not
to this problem, was remove a security rule or two from either
apache or
tomcat because it was causing a problem.
I also am getting this from the stdout_.log and don't know if this is

INFO: org.apache.webapp.balancer.BalancerFilter: init(): ruleChain:
[org.apache.webapp.balancer.rules.URLStringMatchRule: Target string:
News /
Redirect URL:],
[org.apache.webapp.balancer.rules.RequestParameterRule: Target param
paramName / Target param value: paramValue / Redirect URL:],
[org.apache.webapp.balancer.rules.AcceptEverythingRule: Redirect URL:]]

Unfortunatly I don't know much if anything about the security rules?
see anything that is obviously wrong?

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