The .java files should be compiled to .class files and either placed in
WEB-INF/classes or put together in a jar file and placed in
WEB-INF/lib.  If you place the compiled .class files in the class
folder, you'll also have to create the directory structure that follows
the package naming.  For example, if you have a class
com.mycompany.myproject.MyClass, it would be placed like this:


Tomcat will find the class automatically without any further mappings or
other configuration.


Nandorov wrote:
> Hello,
> i'm newbie working with apache. i have configured the httpd.conf, added a
> to make it work with tomcat. I have the following
> structure:
> WebServerExtensions (this is mapguide folder)
>   Apache2
>   Tomcat
>   www
>     appfolder1
>     appfolder2
>     WEB-INF
>        lib (here are my jars)
>        web.xml
> i have my app code inside www folder. (let's say appfolder1).
> i wanted to add some jar configuration and struts. i have modify web.xml
> mapping the tlds. I made a test with jstl and it works fine.  then i add a
> struts-config.xml. my question is, in which folder should i put the .java
> classes?? how do i map them? and the where
> should i put it? i place it in WEB-INF but the <bean:message> tag can't find
> the file.
>     <action-mappings>
>               <action path="/sample"
>                       type="action.SampleAction" ( i don't know where its 
> location )
>                       parameter="sample"
>                       name="formSample">
>                       <forward name="redirect" path="sample.jsp"/>
>               </action>
>     </action-mappings>
>     <message-resources parameter="ApplicationResources" />
>    ( where should i put the file? )
> i'm confused because is the first time i used apache + tomcat.
> help, please (:
> thanks in advance

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