I would like to create a Tomcat 6.0.18. cluster with session replication based on JDBC store, and with WAR auto-deployment on tomcat instances.
The would be like this:

         Load Balancer
         /           \
     Cluster1      Cluster2
     /     \        /     \
 Tomcat1 Tomcat2  Tomcat3 Tomcat4

, where Cluster1 and Cluster2 are on different physical machines.

And I have some questions:
1. Is it possible to use <Cluster> tag to configure Persistent Session Manager and JDBC based Store (from the documentation it seems to me that <Cluser> tag is only for "in-memory" replication)? 2. I wanted to change DeltaManager/Backup Manager to Persistent Manager with embeded <Store> tag, but unfortunately "no rules found matching 'Server/Service/Engine/Cluster/Manager/Store'."

<Cluster className="org.apache.catalina.ha.tcp.SimpleTcpCluster" channelSendOptions="8">
   <Manager className="org.apache.catalina.session.PersistentManager">
       <Store  />
<Deployer />
3. Are there XML Schemas against Tomcat configuration files? If yes please where? 4. Where should be the watchDir from which WAR is distributed to tomcat instances. 5. Finally, could You write basic steps who to configure JDBC based session persistent cluster with distributed WAR.

Thank You in advance for all the answers.

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